Here is how cannabis users can prevent Coronavirus spread. COVID-19 poses a significant disruption to our daily routines. The public is slowly warming to the reality of a need to take precautions against getting the virus. Coronavirus is new to the scene, and there is much we do not know about it. Admittedly, we know even less about any interaction between cannabis and Coronavirus. What we do know about it warrants practice of getting back to the basics to prevent its spread.
Avoid Large Crowds
America is adjusting to ‘new rules’ around this virus outbreak. The closure and cancellation of schools, large gatherings, cultural events and our beloved sporting events is proof. These closures are unfortunately necessary as older adults and people with severe chronic medical conditions seem to be at higher risk. If you use marijuana and have diabetes, heart or lung disease, you risk developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness. We encourage to avoid crowds as much as possible. At this time, while awaiting specific CDC guidelines, different communities define ‘large crowds’ as over 250-500 people.
Healthy Tips for Marijuana Users
Cannabis users tend to be quite laid back, ‘go with the flow’ types. As such, our puff-puff-pass culture creates an excellent way to spread any virus, including Coronavirus. The sharing of joints, vapes, pipes, blunts, and bongs put us at higher risk. Until the COVID-19 threat passes, I recommend not sharing your weed supply, and not using anyone else’s. If they give you the side-eye, give them a friendly elbow bump instead.
Smoking Cannabis While You have COVID-19
When you have a respiratory infection, smoking weed (or anything else for that matter) is not what the doctor orders. Viral infections often show symptoms of muscle aches and pain, poor sleep, headache, and signs of inflammation (fever). While it is true that CBD and THC both help many of these symptoms, there is not enough research to confirm the benefit of cannabis in colds or the flu. Smoking or vaping during an active infection is not recommended, as it may further irritate your lungs. If you are set on using weed during your illness, we advise using edibles as a safer alternative during your illness.
Don’t Believe the Hype about Coronavirus Treatments
Whenever there is an emergency, snake oil salespeople will claim to have the latest’ cure-all’ for it. From sesame oil, sea rocks, vitamin D, or Jim Bakker’s Silver Solution, there is no shortage of worthless disinformation on social media. With the hype around CBD, you can also expect to hear unfounded claims about its effect on Coronavirus. There is no reliable research on CBD and Coronavirus. These claims are false and meant to prey on the public’s hysteria. Nor is there any good reason to buy a $50 face mask on Amazon. While wearing a mask lowers the chance of an infected person spreading the virus, proper handwashing is a much more effective way to keep you from catching it.
Coronavirus is Mainly Spread by Person-to-Person Contact
COVID-19 is spread by direct contact. The infection usually occurs with exposure to respiratory droplets from an infected person’s sneeze or cough. Persons at higher risk are in close contact (within about 6 feet of other people). There is now evidence Covid-19 may be an airborne virus as well. This implies it can be spread through the air. This means there is a chance of you can catch the virus just by breathing the same air as an infected person. The CDC is considering whether to recommend wearing a mask all the time.
In general, the CDC recommends:
- Avoid all close contact with people who are sick. Just smile and wave.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Stop shaking hands.
- Stay home if you are sick.
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue, then toss it away. If you don’t have a Kleenex, cough into your elbow.
- Clean and disinfect the surfaces of frequently touched objects with a regular household cleaning spray or wipe. Avoid touching public surfaces when you’re out and about.
- Wash your hands a lot. Thorough handwashing is perhaps the most important exercise we can do to prevent the virus spread. Wash your hands with soap often for at least 20 seconds. Try singing two verses of Happy Birthday to You or perhaps Baby Shark. You can stop when you get through Daddy Shark). The CDC has a guide on How to Wash Your Hands and Stay Healthy.